5 Different Ways To Get High
Examining the Pros And Cons of Each Method of Cannabis Consumption
One of the greatest things about weed is that there are countless ways to enjoy it. If you’re burnt out from simply smoking it, you could try it in a moist brownie or in a big glass bong.
But did you know that each method of consuming cannabis comes with its own traits – strength of the high, time it takes to get high, and more? Check out our cheat sheet below and consider the pros and cons of each marijuana consumption method.
1. Smoking
Whether it’s by joint or by pipe, smoking weed shoots the bud straight to your lungs, usually giving you a high lasting two or three hours.
The Pros
First, you’ll find that inhaling marijuana will get it moving quickly. When you smoke weed, your respiratory system knows exactly what it needs to do, and you’ll know how high you are pretty quickly. It’s pretty hard to over-consume weed when smoking a joint, and the experience of rolling a joint and lighting it up gives off a classic feeling that doesn’t compare to anything else.
The Cons
This one’s obvious: it’s not exactly good for your lungs. Plus, this process tends to waste some of the CBD, since it doesn’t heat the cannabis up at a level that lets you access the cannabinoids and terpenes in their entirety.
2. Vaping
Years ago, vaping was a quirky, niche alternative to smoking weed. Now, it’s mega popular. Don’t know how it works? Essentially, vaporizers heat ground flower, and the consumer breathes in the vapor that emerges.
The Pros
Vaping really lets you taste the terpenes, and most tools will let you choose the temperature of what you’re inhaling. Plus, vaporizes are usually discreet, and much easier to carry than, say, a bong.
The Cons
Since vaping is fairly new, its long-term effects aren’t known, but we’re sure researchers are up ‘til dawn looking for the answers to all of our vape-related questions. Vaporizers can typically be quite expensive as well.
3. Eating Edibles
Some call edibles a classic party bringalong; others prefer taking a solo D.I.Y. approach to edibles.
The Pros
Let’s get the obvious out of the way: they’re tasty! A cookie that gets you high is a double-win in our book. They’re also discreet in the most fun way, and they’re easy to consume. Plus, edibles give you the kind of high that sends your whole body on a trip.
The Cons
It’s easy to fudge up the dosing on an edible – no pun intended. Even the most experienced cannabisseurs have gotten way too high by eating more than they realized they’d need to. Plus, the high from an edible usually takes a while to kick in.
4. Taking A Bong Hit
Bongs use water to filter and cool cannabis before it goes into your lungs.
The Pros
Many prefer bong hits for the breezy, cooling effect their hits give off. It’s easy to make your own bong, but the glass ones can double up as a cool home decoration.
READ MORE: How To Make Your Own Bong
The Cons
Bongs are pretty big, so secret cannabis dabblers may not opt for this method. Similar to joints and pipes, some of the terpenes can be lost. Additionally, some find bong hits to be intense.
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